Friday, May 30, 2014

WaterColor Nails

Hey sexy people! This design is one of my absolute favorites. The very first time I did it I got so many compliments. People kept on asking me how I did it. It looks complicated and it looks like it takes hours to do, but in reality its quite simple. Keep that on the down low though because we want people believing it took you forever when in reality it took a couple minutes. Lets get started. I usually do this on a white nail polish base, but I was out of white. Instead I attempted it on a black base and it turned out amazing. The only thing is that there aren't that many colors that show up on black so just keep that in mind. Black base or white base the process is all the same.

One main thing you need for this nail art is a zip log bag. Take the bag open it and take a pair of scissors and cut down until you reach the corner and then cut again till you reach the other corner. The bag should lay flat like a book if you opened it to the middle page. By doing this it is going to be easier for you to sandwich you fingers in between the two plastics.

Step 1: Base coat and then either a white or black base.

Step 2: Pick at least two colors. I recommend three. You can choose more if you want. Begin to place drops of these colors all over the nail. I chose gold, pink, and purple.

Step 3: Take your zip log bag and place your finger in between the plastic. Be careful to remain steady and gently take the top of your nail so that the drops of nail polish begin to spread. Once your whole nail is covered slowly take off the zip log bag.

Step 4: Grab a q-tip, dip it in nail polish remover and clean up. Top coat and you're DONE!

I honestly love the way it turned out. The gold, pink, and purple contrast well with the black. I thought that the white base looks the best but now I don't know. Both look incredible. I'll include a picture of the one I did my very first time with a white base and you can decide which one looks better.

Follow my instagram: SimpleThings_Blog
Also tag me if you recreate this design!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Floral Nails

Good hello beautiful people. This nail art is one of my favorite because lets be honest I'm OBSESSED with floral. Floral pants, shirts, shoes, nails I want it all. Plus flowers and summer are made for each other. I've been wanting to try this design for so long but I didn't think that I could do it. Let me just tell you that it was 100 times easier than I thought it was going to be. You can do what I did which was only have the middle and ring finger be the floral pattern or you can do all floral.

Step 1: Base coat obviously. The real first step is to paint your middle and ring finger a greenish teal color while you paint the others a pink color. Now you don't have to choose those colors, but in my opinion they look the best.

Step 2: Get a large bobby pin and start making little cloud like designs with the same pink color you put on the other nails on the fingers. Just space them out randomly so that there is enough, but not too much.

Step 3: For this step you need a lighter pink, but since I didn't have one that would go nicely I got a piece of paper and mixed the pink with a white nail polish. Now take a smaller booby pin or a nail striper and you are going to start creating the floral pattern. What I did was place a small dot with the lighter pink in the middle of the clouds and then make little lines along the edges. Mix it up give some flowers two light pink edges and others three. I forgot to take a picture with just the third step so I'll combine it with the fourth step. Next your going to take a green nail polish and make little leaves for the flowers. I gave some two and others just one. Once you like your design finish it off with a top coat.

I absolutely LOVE  this nail art you best believe that I'm going to be wearing it for the majority of the summer. Tag me on instagram (simplethings_blog) if you recreate the design.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Abstract Nails

Hello beautiful people! This nails design is simple and it looks like it isn't which is the best part. I didn't really know what to call this design so I went with abstract.

What you'll need:
3 nail polish (different colors)
Clear top/base coat
Scotch tape

First step is like always a base coat. Then you put on your lightest color. You're going to be layer the three colors so you have make sure the color you put on top is going to be able to show. Before you move onto the next step make sure the nail polish is dry completely.

Second step is take the tape and place it on the nails in various different styles. Once you've done that you can put on the second nail polish. Before you move onto the third step make sure the polish is dry.

 Third step is similar to the second one. The the third color that you use has to be the darkest one.                                          

This nail art is pretty simple and straightforward. The final product makes it seem like it was so much hard then it actually was. The key to mastering this design is patience. The nail has to be completely dry before you move on to the next color. If it isn't dry then the nail polish is going to come off with the tape. Make sure the lightest color is the on the bottom and go darker as you layer so that way the colors are still visible.


Friday, April 18, 2014

Easter Nails

Guys Easter is in less than two days away. Today I'm going to show you various nails designs you can do. There is no step by step tutorial with this post because most of the designs are straight forward. My favorite thing about Easter nails is the pastel colors. You can choose one color or you can do multiple colors, whatever floats your boat.

For my thumb and my ring finger I did a simple Easter egg design. There are so many different ways you can do this. Zig zags, straight lines, diagonal lines, polka dots. The color combinations are vast so go wild and experiment.

For my index finger I did a little bunny. How cute is he?

My middle finger is contrasting polka dots. Very easy to do and if you decide to do this on all your nails, which I've done before, it looks super cute.

Lastly my pinky finger is a chick. Two black dots for the eyes and a triangle for a nose with little feet. That's all. I have to say this was the easiest to do.

Hope these ideas helped. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Water Marble Nails

This is by one of the coolest designs. You can you any color combination and because of that they can be spring, summer, fall, winter nails. They can be any occasion nails; Christmas, Easter, Fourth of July. Water marble nails takes practice. This was my second time doing this and it was a little easier, but still complicated. Let me start by saying a majority of the people say you have to use high end name brand nail polish, but you don't. I used the NYC nail polishes which were 94 cents. It took me more then a couple tries to for it too look semi decent. So please don't get frustrated or give up. You'll get the hang of it.

What you will need:
  • Base/top coat
  • White nail polish
  • Two or three nail polishes of your choice
  • Toothpick
  • Small container for the water
  • Chapstick
  • Cotton ball
First step is base coat followed by painting your nails white.

Second step is to fill the small container with water. IT HAS TO BE ROOM TEMPERATURE.

Third step is to coat the surroundings of your nails with chapstick. You're going to sink about a little less than half your finger in the water. Any part that touches the water needs to be covered in chapstick. The reason for doing this is so that it's easier to clean the nail polish off. Trust me you don't want to miss this step.

Four step is to take the water container and begin adding drops of nail polish. One drop at a time alternating between the colors. The more drops you add the more intricate the design. I say 3 to 5 drops is best. I suggest that you keep the tops of the nail polish unscrewed because you have to move quite quickly. If the water is room temperature when you add the drop of nail polish it will spread out.

Fifth step is to take a toothpick and create a design.

Sixth step is to angle your nail so that it is almost horizontal to the water but not quite. Quickly stick your finger into the water and take another toothpick and collect the extra nail polish around your finger. Once all the nail polish is collected you and take your finger out.

Seventh step is to take the cotton ball and clean up around the nail.

Eighth step is to at a top coat and you're done.

Monday, March 31, 2014

New Obsession: Graceland

Graceland. I’m not talking about the home of Elvis Presley. I’m talking about the TV show on USA network. Now this show premiered in the summer of 2013, but I only recently discovered it. One main reason why I decided to watch it was because of the creator, Jeff Eastin. If you don’t know who Jeff Eastin then you clearly don’t know of White Collar, one of the greatest shows ever. Anyways back to Graceland. This show is a 42 minutes drama that involves crime, action, romance, comedy. It has a little bit of everything. The characters are well developed and the story line is unique, it’s not another cop show.

The show takes place in California in a beachfront house that was seized and turned into a living pad for undercover cops.  The top DEA, FBI, and Custom agents live in this house. Being an undercover agent means lying becomes your life. Mike “Levi” Warren played by the beautifully gorgeous Aaron Tveit is an FBI agent who just graduated at the top of his class. His only focus is to work in D.C. but his first assignment is Graceland. It makes you wonder why, since he was top in his class he should get his pick in locations. You learn at the end of the first episode why he is really assigned Graceland. It doesn’t take long for you to realize that the people that live in this house are a family. A crazy, weird, messed up family that loves each other.

I started watching this show because of Aaron Tveit. I’ve been a fan of his since Gossip Girl and Girl Walks Into A Bar. I watched it for him, but I fell in love with Joe ‘Johnny’ Tuturro who is played by Manny Montana. Johnny is FBI and he is the fun loving easy going character of the house. Its impossible not fall in love with him. Like Olaf said in Frozen some people are worth melting for and Johnny is definitely worth melting for. What I would do to get him to make me fancy shaped pancakes in the morning. You’ll understand that once you watch the show. Paige who is played by Serinda Swan, some of you may recognize her from Breakout Kings, is a smart and ruthless DEA agent. She uses her femininity and party girl ways to implant herself into cartels. She does her job well. Towards the end of the season she becomes one-half of Graceland’s most shipped couple. With who you ask? Watch the show and find out. The rest of the cast, Daniel Sunjata, Vanessa Ferlito, and Brandon Jay McLaren are phenomenal, they play their roles extremely well.

Towards the middle of the season there is an unexpected twist. A twist that will have you feeling all sorts of emotions. The season finale will make you feel even more emotions. I hated the ending at first. It pissed me off how they did that, but then the more I thought about it the more I thought it was pure genius. I loved how they did that. I want to say more, but if I do then I’m going to ruin it for you guys. So there it is my vague opinion on the season.

I love this show. It took me by surprise because I wasn’t expecting much going into it. Season two can’t come fast enough. My only wish is for Johnny to get a bigger role. I forgot to mention this earlier I watched this show, twelve episodes, in one day. Each episode is forty-two minutes long. One episode after another, clearly that says something about the show. Also for all those wondering why the show is called Graceland it is because the house was seized from a drug lord who was an obsessed Elvis fan. The house is the only place these agents can be the themselves because once they step outside they become a lie. The house is their sanctuary, their ‘Graceland.’ 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Daisy Nails

It's time to say bye bye to winter and hello to spring. Unless you live in Chicago because well it snowed this morning. Coldness and snowflakes aside I'm ready for rain and flowers and who can forget the sunshine. Today I'm going to show you how to get your nails ready for springtime. Daisies! Who doesn't love daisies? They are fun, festive, and so cute.

What you'll need:
  • Clear base and top coat
  • Dark color nail polish (black, blue, purple)
  • White nail polish with a striper
  • Orange or yellow nail polish
  • Dotting tool or a bobby pin
First step is to apply you base coat and then the dark color nail polish. Make sure it completely dry before you move on to the next step. 

Next step is to take the striper with the white nail polish and to start drawing lines. Be sure to place them so they form the shape of a daisy. Now you can do like I did or you can do a daisy on each finger or multiple small ones. You can honestly do whatever you want.

The third step is to take your dotting tool and the orange nail polish and place small circles in the middle of the daisies. The final step as always is a top coat.

Three simple steps and your nails are ready for the warmer weather.