It was my my birthday a couple days ago and a couple things happened that I want to share. Now I should start by saying I don't like making my birthday a big deal. I absolutely hate being the center of attention. I don't need a party nor do I need people singing 'Happy Birthday' to me. I enjoy being in the background. With that being said I do expect close friends and family to at least wish me. You would think that with social that wouldn't be a problem, especially with Facebook telling people you haven't talked to in years that its your birthday. I'm going to talk about two people who are very important to me who didn't bother wishing me. I'm not writing this because I'm bitter or anything, but I find it funny. Okay maybe I was a little angry at first, but can you blame me?
Lets start with one of my best friends.
For the sake of their privacy I'm going to use fake names, but the stories are 100% real.
Sarah and I have been close friends for almost 8 years now. Our birthdays are exactly one month apart. Hers is in February and mine is in March. First of all let me start by saying she is in med school so I can't even imagine the pressure or the stress that is on her. So back to the story. On her birthday I text, call, Facebook, and tweet at her, making sure I cover all my grounds. When I called to wish her I reminded her that my birthday was exactly one month away. Her response was simply "I'm so busy here so don't get mad if I forget to wish you." Now with technology today it's as simple as telling siri to set a reminder, it take less than 5 seconds to do. I told her straight forward that she has no reason not to remember. I also told her that I was going to be angry if she forgot. Flash forward a month and here we are. She didn't remember. Around 1 am so it was officially not my birthday anymore I send a snapchat that said 'thanks for the birthday wish' with a sarcastic emoji, keep in mind I was angry and in the moment. I fall asleep and the next morning I get text messages from her, the picture is below. Deep down inside I new she wasn't going to remember and for that reason I wasn't angry. Also she being a smarty pants and it being her exam week deactivated her Facebook and Twitter. I couldn't blame her. After a semi long phone call, all was well. This story leads into my cousins story which is by far more funnier.
My cousin Mike, and I are extremely close especially these last couple of years. The week leading up to my birthday he texted me a countdown. 5 days till your birthday, 4 on and so forth. As you can guess the day of my birthday there was nothing. I sent the same snapchat I sent Sarah to him. It was late at night so he didn't see it till the morning. At 6:45 in the morning my phone starts ringing, but I'm too sleepy to answer. The voicemail sound goes off so I gather enough energy to grab my phone and listen to the message. It was my cousin wishing me a happy birthday. Keep in mind he's a day late, but he doesn't realize that and it makes for a hilarious voicemail. He goes on to say how he wanted to wish me at midnight but he fell asleep and blah blah blah. I'm listening to this voicemail and I start laughing. The picture below is the conversation we had over text after I heard the message. I was mad that he forgot especially because he had a countdown also because he didn't realize that he was a day. He proceeded like he genuinely remembered my birthday. It. Was. Hilarious.
Initially I wasn't too happy that the two of the closest people to me forgot, but its pretty funny looking back at it now. I get to hold the voicemail over my cousin now. I get to remind him how much of an idiot he his. Overall I had a great birthday. I loved spending time with my family and friends. I wanted to share this because I thought it was funny.
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